Job Opportunities
The Fort York Guard is made up of high school and university students who come out during the summer months and put on daily demonstrations at the fort as well as performances at various events throughout the city. Our job is made possible by The Friends of Fort York, who employ us throughout the summer to bring animation to Fort York.
The Fort York Guard is broken down into 2 sections, the Squad, and the Fife and Drum Corps. Both sections operate during the summer months and together form the guard. The squad dresses in the red uniform of the Canadian Regiment of Fencible Infantry and fires muskets and the cannon. The drum corps, in a different uniform but representing the same regiment, play the fife or drum and are also responsible for firing the cannon.
Both divisions work 35 hours a week and perform five demonstrations daily throughout July and August. The job starts from the middle to the end of June to allow time for training purposes.
All prospective candidates for employment with the Guard must be be available all summer, from mid June to the end of August including all weekends. Applications are considered at the start of May of each year.
The Friends of Fort York and Garrison Common
250 Fort York Blvd.
Toronto, ON M5V 3K9
Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your resume and cover letter, or any inquires, by May 1st.